Solensky peered out the doorway into the passage and immediately ducked back inside.
Abruptly, one of Jim's drones fired on the ship, immediately ducking behind an "innocent" bystander.
Peabody ducked into the car and immediately felt more at ease.
He'd immediately ducked behind a tall corner chair, closed his eyes like a child trying to make himself invisible, and silently prayed.
Patrick damaged her nosecone, and ducked immediately into the pits.
The door surrendered to a flying kick, no evidence that it was locked, and Bolan ducked immediately to his left.
The Vulcan pointed straight ahead, and the two men immediately ducked into the cover of a recessed doorway.
I immediately ducked into a fetal position, covering the back of my neck with my hands.
Glancing over at Jack, Laurie saw him immediately duck out of the conference room.
I immediately ducked, and somehow knocked my bowler against his elbow.