Teachers write everything down on large sheets of paper - "If what we are doing is so important, why would we then immediately erase it?"
Sensitive listeners may complain that headphones of this type do not immediately erase all noise and that noise-canceling headphones occasionally produce frequencies that interfere with music.
The warmth of the clerk's smile erased immediately the severity of his appearance.
"When I initiated a scan, it activated a virus program on the Tanis computers which immediately erased all records."
Gil hangs up and immediately erases his hard drive, which contains the toll booth photo.
The Israeli Army immediately erased "Muhammad Is a Pig," and later arrested the boys who led the stoning.
After explaining that the sound of chalk keeps him awake, he immediately erases the solution and proceeds to draw a rabbit.
One "Emmy" would immediately erase the haughty look on her face and reduce her to near-inarticulate fury.
Maybe the Cubans could immediately erase the deficit.
Mr. Schumer conceded that the legislation would not immediately erase the F.B.I.'s traditional reluctance to share information.