The proceed light came on at the console, and, as if P-1 had had a second thought, it was immediately extinguished.
Prexy lighted another; it was immediately extinguished.
A fire broke out that couldn't be extinguished immediately, forcing an emergency landing.
Joey's small spark of hope was immediately extinguished.
It was extinguished immediately and then the door was slowly opened.
The fire itself was extinguished immediately after it was found, but the fire alarm was still raised at around 1:35pm.
But, through the scuttles, Barbicane saw a prolonged smoke, the flames of which were immediately extinguished.
Fortunately this compartment did not hold the boilers, or the fires would have been immediately extinguished.
There was a tiny glimmer of light, which was immediately extinguished.
There is to be no arson, and fires started by accident or prior bombardment must be immediately extinguished.