Edits are reflected immediately in both views, providing an interactive feel to the modeling process.
Any changes in the code will be immediately reflected in the visual view.
One might ask why short selling is not immediately reflected in the price of a stock.
The degree to which you achieve anything is immediately reflected right back to you in that moment.
As we all know, that is immediately reflected in the inconsistency of Labour's accounting programme.
With usage based insurance, this reduction would be immediately reflected in the cost of car insurance for that month.
The company said it could not assure drivers that the price cuts would be "immediately reflected" at the gas pump.
I said, 'The reason I ask is the things you do in player development are never reflected immediately.
"He spent eight years fixing it, and not everything he has done is immediately reflected in the bottom line."
This means that any changes made to a Digital Conversation are reflected across all channels immediately.