They rejoined immediately after the Second World War and remained in the league until 1959-60.
He then will be expected to immediately rejoin the team in San Diego.
He immediately rejoined HT Motorsports for the remainder of the season.
A prison inmate (Campbell) receives early release only to immediately rejoin his former criminal comrades in a heist.
She sat up impatiently, and immediately rejoined the penguins for an entertaining few minutes.
Upon his release from prison he immediately rejoined Chelsea in his old job.
Union organizers said that many new recruits were unemployed former miners and union members who would immediately rejoin the union once they had jobs.
The X-Men came to re-recruit her and she immediately rejoined the team.
He immediately rejoins the army to fight at the 38th parallel, but is denied permission to fight.
He immediately rejoined the king, and attended him, as chaplain, at the battle of Edgehill on 23 Oct. 1642.