The petitions ask for a mechanism to recall state officeholders (none now exists), a method for placing a binding referendum on the general election ballot, an audit of state expenditures and having the new tax package "repealed immediately."
But once in office he realized that he could not immediately repeal the tax, which provides some $2.6 billion a year, more than a quarter of the state's revenues, so he has proposed a $200 million cut for the next fiscal year instead.
The Federal Assembly of the German Confederation asked Pauline to immediately repeal the Constitution.
When Republicans resumed power in 1941, they immediately repealed the act and put in place the State Administration Act of 1941 to return the governor to his pre-depression level of power.
Those same Republicans immediately repealed one of the taxes they had enacted, a land transfer tax, blasting a $60 million hole in the 2000 budget.
Mr. Neal's bill, to take one example, would immediately repeal any tax breaks for companies that relocated to offshore havens like Bermuda after Sept. 11.
Rather than immediately repealing the existing Informatics Law of 1984, however, the government decided to abolish it when it expires in 1992.
Fearing that his power could be weakened by those demonstrations, General Khanh immediately repealed his constitution and new police powers.
In May 2010 Shapps became housing and local government minister within the Communities and Local Government department and immediately repealed Home Information Pack (HIP) legislation.
Once in office, Mr. Bush should immediately repeal a long list of executive orders President Clinton issued over eight years.