It was opened on the chain by Masala who immediately unlocked it to allow them in.
Consenting, he brought not only the key, but a light, and immediately unlocked the door.
In the main starting room, the player can then spend resources to buy equipment that can be used while on the dungeon such as a spell to instantly kill the next enemy that is faced, or a key to immediately unlock a chest.
The exchange done, the Bears accepted the two and immediately unlocked them.
Additional downloads available on the U.S. Xbox Live Marketplace immediately unlock ten cousins or presents at a time.
Shaw immediately unlocks it to see the evidence, but finds it empty.
And you can pay your carrier $100 to get the phone unlocked immediately when you purchase it.
She removed the device but did not immediately unlock the door.
Trade and Industry Secretary Peter Lilley's decision to abide by European Commission rules on the distribution of regional aid from Brussels immediately unlocked £18.9m of investment earmarked for the stricken former coalfield communities of Durham, Tyne and Wear, and Northumberland.