He sat at ease on his strong stocky horse, a ward of the gods, protected by immemorial custom.
By immemorial custom, everyone would buy a round after that.
Evidently it was an immemorial custom that girls should wed to escape their families.
"We do not allow ourselves to think so, and, indeed, everything goes on as if each and all governed themselves according to immemorial custom."
Following immemorial custom, Goldfarb bought the second round.
History shows a variety of such sources: immemorial custom, divine law, the law of nature, a constitution.
It is the immemorial custom of the service.' '
But what I mean is, that it is the immemorial custom of the service.
The immemorial custom of the service requires that it should be accepted.
Jack abandoned the immemorial custom of the service, though it had answered well before: there was only four minutes to go.