The immense gray columns of the river trees extended as far as she could see in every direction.
An immense column of slime thrust through the hole.
The entrance room contains immense columns which support the roof.
Arose to meet them immense columns of the cubes; battered against the spheres; swept them over and down into the depths.
As her eyes adapted to the dark, she saw that there was still light here-but no starlight could penetrate the immense column of air above.
In front of him now there was an immense column of darkness.
The wheels chattered over the cobblestones before me carriage stopped in front of the four immense columns dominating the main entrance.
Of this magnificent building, sometimes ranked among the seven wonders of the ancient world, thirty-one immense columns still stood erect in 1444.
Into the darkness rose immense columns of rippled stone, some ending before they reached their destination, with mates hanging down trying to meet them halfway.
Yet the eye keeps wandering to the immense columns that frame this tragedy in the making.