Plainly they had faced immense dangers together, and whatever had happened, it now bound them in mutual respect.
And it would have remained little more than a name but for the immense political danger that threatened it 21 years ago.
There was danger ahead, of course - immense danger, especially when he and Granny reached the surface.
"This was an operation carried out in circumstances of immense danger, in the face of armed resistance," he said.
Winston Churchill was called upon then to form a coalition that represented as he put it, the nation's "united strength" at a time of immense danger.
It presents immense danger to us and to others.
But the Sentani, if they had been there in force, might have sun-ply killed you all, knowing the immense danger you brought.
He has no idea of the immense danger these minds pose.
He knew there was danger, immense danger, but wasn't sure of its nature.
These hostages are an immense danger to you.