He used it as it had never quite been used before, to delineate an immense emptiness that was both terrifying and seductive, infinite and exact.
It was an eerie and foreboding sight, and the immense emptiness they left behind had little to do with unoccupied space.
The silence seemed as big as the sky overhead, an immense emptiness.
The immense emptiness of the mid-Atlantic Ocean thoroughly distracted him.
At first we were struck by the immense emptiness and scope of the land where sagebrush and wildflower fields, scattered with lava rubble, stretch to distant horizons.
These were the only noticeable features of the laboratory other than its immense emptiness.
The immense emptiness seemed to eat them.
"We feel an immense sadness as well as an immense emptiness, as empty as the Panda House is now."
Gann sprang to his feet, eyes peering into the immense emptiness above him.
Sesame and the cats found the chasm as intriguing as Umlaut did, and they all stared down at its immense emptiness.