At one point, the internal structure gave way because of the immense heat and pressure from the casting.
And it wasn't fire, really, though the girl could feel its immense heat on her face, pulling her skin tight across her cheekbones.
The moment the shield stood between them and the lava, the awful pressure of that immense heat fell off.
Finally Aðils entertained them but put them to a test where they had to endure immense heat by a fire.
The immense heat took its toll on the 30-stone (420 lbs/191 kg) Fordham.
Obvious risks are associated with the immense heat.
The walls had a glassy sheen as if they had been fused in immense heat.
As his penance became so intense it created a sort of immense heat in the surrounding and it spread everywhere even up to heaven.
They said the blasts would release immense heat and a large volume of gases, killing thousands of fish.
Due to the power needed to move its bulk, its radiators need to deal with immense heat, thus making them weak points.