For the immense hole at the exact center of the galaxy, a virulent glow hammers outward.
Meanwhile, the Schwarzschild radius of their immense black hole kept out something they feared even more.
Super-gravity, like an immense yawning black hole, has an insatiable appetite.
Street light poured in through the immense hole in the bank's wall; chunks of debris fanned out across the floor.
Jets flaring, my attention on the radar and lower screens, I dropped the ship down into the immense hole in the ground.
It looked as if a great Bomb had punched an immense hole in the concrete shell, close to the eastern horizon.
There seemed to be this immense gaping hole inside her, and she didn't know how to fill it.
Indeed, at the centre of the preoccupation with declining standards and mounting disorder, there is an immense historical 'black hole'.
Could even the portal survive falling into an immense black hole?
They had holed up inside an immense black hole in the Galaxy's Core, and they were still there, all of them!