A creature emerged from behind the barn, howled and set off after them, covering the ground with immense speed.
Mach Rider's bike has four gears and travels at an immense speed in top gear.
No other woman possesses her immense speed, however, and when Jones landed with a sandy jolt she was 24 feet from the takeoff board.
It could be hurled against mech craft at immense speed.
All packed into a thread which hardly spans an atom's width, whirling at immense speed.
Then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, it dived, sliding back into the earth at an immense speed.
Visuals as well as the level layouts contribute to the immense speed of the game.
Gassendi, on the contrary, held that light is a stream of tiny particles travelling with immense speed.
He also had one of the greatest forehands in the game and immense speed on the court.
After repairs are made, Mechagodzilla is released from the air and hits Godzilla with immense speed.