Across Brittany are great cairns - they call them dolmens - built with stones so immense only giants would have moved them.
I went to look at the large metal cup there and was rewarded for my curiosity by being drafted to help move an immense stone into place.
A ring with an immense red stone in it which Ramon had given her, she slipped upon her finger with her little, inscrutable smile.
Halfway through, the rain changed direction to horizontal, and then hail pelted down bushels of immense and weighty stones for the grand finale.
In a very short while he came to an immense stone house with a thousand windows.
We stood upon an immense flat stone at the very edge of the strange plain.
The immense stone above tilted ever so gently to the left.
The walls and several of the buildings are of the Cyclopean masonry, with massive gateways formed of three immense stones.
An immense polished stone in the dimensions of a king-size bed with four posts rests over the double graves of Wilson and Allen.
It wasn't a hill, it was a handmade wall of immense stones.