Peter Blurton established the Margaret and Shane Foundation to channel both his own grief and the immense public sympathy into a workable force to fight for the rights of crime victims.
Since Eve was young, beautiful, extravagantly rich, she garnered immense sympathy and support, bolstered by the media, who always wallowed in beauty and money, particularly if it was possibly tragic beauty.
However, given the immense public sympathy for the Bishops, and that two of the four judges directed the jury to acquit, it is unlikely that any prosecutor could have secured a conviction.
King said he had "immense sympathy" with the people he meets on his visits around the UK who are suffering as they try to keep their businesses going and to stay afloat despite the squeeze on incomes.
You have my immense sympathies.
The corners of his eyes drooped slightly, somehow creating an expression of immense sympathy.
I have immense sympathy with people who just can't quite make ends meet.
I have immense sympathy for her.
Elts showed immense sympathy for his Estonian compatriot's vision.
The book draws on extensive corporate records to capture Watson's self-absorbed monologues to his senior executives, giving the reader an immense sympathy for the men and women who endured them.