The three reclined around the fire and talked as the stars came out in the immense black vault of the heavens.
Located 54 m (177 ft) underground, it consists of nine immense vaults and the marble coffins of the Manchu emperor and his five favorite consorts.
He led us down into the bowels of the building, through grilled doors and to the front of an immense vault.
I was taken into an immense gloomy vault filled with women and girls - more than two hundred probably at that time.
But the attic had no dividing walls; one immense cavernous vault capped the sprawling home below.
They recognized that they were living in an immense natural vault, with many extra security features also built in.
To the conglomerate and trachyte succeeded black basalt, the first dispread in layers full of bubbles, the latter forming regular prisms, placed like a colonnade supporting the spring of the immense vault, an admirable specimen of natural architecture.
He moved on, until quite suddenly the tunnel opened out, and he found himself at the top of a vast cavern: a vault immense enough to contain a dozen cathedrals.
He tilted his head back and gazed up into the immense vault of the sky, feeling wonderfully alone.
Here beneath the immense vault of the ceiling, he felt a freedom that reminded him of the seashore.