Quantum mechanics has served for seven decades as the theoretical underpinning of such immensely practical devices as tunneling diodes and transistors.
By evidence of tangible accomplishments, Donald Trump is daring, inventive, committed, immensely practical, a master of can-do.
This is one of those rare books that is immensely practical and realistic while simultaneously being filled with wisdom and insight.
The Camry became the gold standard in midsize sedans because it was immensely practical, delivering solid value and reliable performance.
Immensely practical, Mary invented a plan of action.
They stood at the stairwell, both thirty-three, both immensely practical.
There is nothing utopian about this idea; it is immensely practical and efficient, and its implementation is long overdue.
In response to these public concerns, scientists, industry, and governments increasingly linked the power of recombinant DNA to the immensely practical functions that biotechnology promised.
But to me it seems immensely practical, and I fancy that Brunton took the same view.
It was a tight plan, well-conceived, immensely practical despite its loony overtones.