By whatever name, it's an immensely valuable procedure that ought to be used far more often than it is.
You arrived late on the scene, Walter; your participation, though immensely valuable, has not been one of long standing.
They are also an immensely valuable natural resource for the entire nation.
Maybe it was just another fabulously large, immensely valuable diamond.
The book is "immensely valuable," one reviewer wrote in 1996.
But the early 1970's were immensely valuable, since they represented such a colorful crossroads.
"Fossil" air in these tiny bubbles is immensely valuable to scientists.
Although skills of historical analysis are immensely valuable, we need to walk before we can run.
Puccini straws, if only I could get them, were going to be immensely valuable.
His visits are rare but always immensely valuable, and I understand he has something of particular interest to show us tonight.