The records extend in both the male and female lines from the earliest-known immigrant ancestor to the then (1925-1942) living subject of the record.
The Cortelyous were an old New Netherlands family whose immigrant ancestor arrived in 1652.
These can be interpreted as throw-back from immigrant ancestors.
Opponents of a footbridge say arriving by boat allows visitors to relive the history of their immigrant ancestors.
You recommend that tourists use the ferry to replicate the experience of immigrant ancestors.
She knows the names of the 38 birds in the penguin building and can tell you where their immigrant ancestors came from.
The Taft and Aldrich families, began from local immigrant ancestors, and went on to become influential in their new nation.
This line of thinking recalls the mythic rise of our immigrant ancestors to the middle class and beyond.
If everybody with an immigrant ancestor in the last 100 years disappeared, we would be a virtually uninhabited country.
The series turned out to be a hit, and Lauer was moved by what he learned about his immigrant ancestors.