It is a question that makes many immigrants feel self-conscious, and he has learned to reply, "Why don't you guess?"
"You get the sense of what immigrants felt watching this film in 1917."
Many European immigrants settled in Clarksville throughout the early 1900s, building a community still felt today.
Many new immigrants feel very much like strangers because they lack any knowledge of the culture, of language, of the religion.
Some immigrants who cannot vote feel so strongly about the election that they are working as volunteers to get others to the polls.
"So many immigrants feel like I did," he says.
And then there is the intense distrust many immigrants feel toward the medical establishment.
You cannot go out there without getting a sense of fear, a sense of hope that the immigrants felt.
The immigrants often felt like foreigners in Bergen, where life was very different from what they were used to.
Since he took office, though, his attention has drifted elsewhere, and many immigrants feel taken for granted.