A commercial venture, most of them said, was not appropriate in what they called a shrine to the nation's immigrant history and ethnic diversity.
I'm proud of America's immigrant history, and grateful that the door was open when my grandparents fled Russia.
New York City's food culture includes a variety of world cuisines influenced by the city's immigrant history.
A free family scavenger hunt for places and things that define the immigrant history of the area.
The city's immigrant history has allowed many tastes to mix and develop.
Berlin is home to a diverse gastronomy scene reflecting the immigrant history of the city.
The tours will cover architecture, social history, urban planning, immigrant history and culture.
Cagayan de Oro food cultures include a variety of world cuisines influenced by the city's immigrant history.
Pittsburgh's patchwork of neighborhoods still retain an ethnic character reflecting the city's immigrant history.
He also became a scholar in Japanese immigrant history.