Other immigrants to Coatbridge have included in 1880s a small number Lithuanians.
Local authorities estimate the number of Chinese citizens living in Prato to be around 45,000, illegal immigrants included.
The immigrants include an uncommon proportion of well-educated people.
Thus, the problem for the Baltic countries is complicated, in that immigrants under Soviet occupation include both allies and opponents.
African immigrants to Australia include people of diverse cultural, linguistic, racial, religious, educational, and employment backgrounds.
The immigrants include, for example, nearly 400,000 Brazilians, mostly farm workers, who over the past 30 years have moved across the border into Paraguay.
These immigrants included anarchists forced to flee their native countries for political reasons.
These immigrants included many highly educated, and higher skilled immigrants that continued into the 1990s.
Newest immigrants to the Richmond from former Soviet Union include many professionals.
These immigrants include a considerable proportion of young people.