The immigrant population is growing faster than the general population, both naturally and by immigration, and immigrant minorities will become more significant in the future.
They tend to be in inner-city neighborhoods populated mostly by singles, immigrant minorities and working-class whites.
In Canada, immigrant minorities' access to ethnic media online serves as a source of news from their home countries.
The most common examples are expressed views that today's immigrant minorities present an unprecedented challenge to an integrative society.
There is a project to build a mosque for the large immigrant Muslim minority.
This was partly by default since the establishment regarded the early film industry as unsavory and left it to the immigrant minorities.
Access to medical care by low-income immigrant minorities can be hindered by legal barriers to public insurance programs.
It is clear that the same rules cannot apply to national minorities as apply, for example, to immigrant minorities.
National and ethnic minorities, as well as immigrant minorities, account for 15% of the EU's population.
Or are they the result of a European inability to cope fairly with immigrant minorities?