Avigdor Lieberman, who leads the larger of two Russian immigrant parties, would become minister of infrastructures.
There is also talk of forming a new Soviet immigrant party to address the newcomers' specific economic concerns and social dislocations.
So the negotiations with the Russian immigrant parties, religious parties and far-right parties continued.
They have been stymied by ministers from religious and immigrant parties.
At that point, Drew met several immigrant parties.
IN the nightly avalanche of television ads punctuating the Israeli election campaign, a commercial by a small Russian immigrant party stands out.
By raising the threat of an immigrant political party in 1996, Mr. Sharansky wants to rechannel Government energies.
It specifically did not consider itself a "homeless" or "immigrant" party, but rather a party emphasizing common human dignity.
The Russian immigrant party of Natan Sharansky, another potential defector, met today to plot its own course.
The immigrant party settled the Boo-shoo-ee area, which had been surveyed in advance, in late 1684, by one of the settlers, William Norman.