Mexican immigrants in the United States send more than $6 billion each year back to their homeland.
Many immigrants and children of immigrants send contributions to the fund out of gratitude for good fortune in this country.
As a youth in Israel, Saban attended an agricultural boarding school where, he says, immigrants like his parents sent children they could not afford to feed.
Malian immigrants in France, to cite just one example, send money back home that is equivalent to France's total foreign aid for Mali.
Most immigrants who live in the United States send money home.
Armenian immigrants from the United States sent funds, which were distributed to the Armenians under the knowledge of the government by these institutions.
Many African immigrants hold strong ties to their home countries and send remittances to their relatives.
Others asserted that the Chinese workers were stripping America of her wealth because many immigrants sent paychecks back to their families in China.
Christian missionaries, and later immigrants planning to settle permanently in Oregon, sent glowing reports back to their families in the east.
Certainly, most Chinese immigrants do not send their babies away.