He said, however, that he was still negotiating with senators who seek to add immigration provisions to the military spending bill.
But Mr. Leahy singled out the administration's immigration provisions as especially troublesome.
The Senate is expected to approve a similar bill, including the immigration provision, on Tuesday.
He said the immigration provision would primarily affect criminals and suspected terrorists.
This includes the immigration provisions as well as the land transfer regulations of February, 1940.
The Senate today dropped from its bill on illegal immigration provisions that would have made it more difficult for foreigners to gain asylum here.
The new immigration provisions, extraordinary in their harshness, were pushed through Congress by people who do not like immigrants and want to punish them.
Both Florida and California, two critical states in the presidential elections, have a large number of immigrants, many of whom would benefit from the immigration provisions.
We are talking not only about violent or sexual crimes, but also drug taking, and especially infringements of immigration provisions.
They can only be accused of infringing immigration provisions but not of having committed a crime.