THE objections to the immigration raid go far beyond the anecdotal.
He added: "The community is being exploited by fears of immigration raids.
That helps establish deniability in case of an immigration raid.
An immigration raid would ruin his harvest, but it has been years since he was regularly able to hire any help except Mexicans.
But immigration raids and the uncertain labor supply drove him to find a new way.
Many history making immigration raids over the past two years have forced employers to consider including legal working status as part of their background screening process.
However, Rosa nearly is caught up in an immigration raid and must find a new job.
There is the father from Argentina who moves his wife and children from house to house hoping to remain one step ahead of the immigration raids.
The Mexican American community has been the subject of widespread immigration raids.
At dawn, the police roused from sleep two frightened groups of Mexican immigrants who apparently thought it was an immigration raid.