DV-2015: Nigeria will become ineligible, as per the recently released 2012 immigration statistics.
The large number of changes for DV-2002 was due to a three-year gap between the publication of the 1998 and 1999 immigration statistics.
Claims that white blood would eventually eliminate black blood were found in accounts of immigration statistics .
Yet, when looking at immigration statistics, the state is a leading recipient of migrants from around the globe.
Canadian immigration statistics show that 20,000 to 30,000 draft-eligible American men came to Canada as immigrants during the Vietnam era.
The 1830 numbers are from immigration statistics as listed in the 2004 Year Book of Immigration Statistics.
He cited immigration statistics indicating that in 1988, about 24,000 Japanese students received visas for study, research and training in the United States.
Local authorities are complaining that official immigration statistics seem to bear little resemblance to what is actually happening.
Nigerians were not broken out separately in immigration statistics until 1973.
In 1958 Robert Stuckert produced a statistical analysis using historical census data and immigration statistics.