These figures aside, recent demographics suggest a shift in immigration trends.
The demand is driven by a variety of factors, including adults staying active longer, more children's leagues, and immigration trends.
This immigration trend has caused a number of halal restaurants and shops to open in the area.
But average students couldn't grasp the relationship between, say, an economic trend in the 1700's and an immigration trend from the same era.
The good news for downtown businesses is a direct consequence of recent immigration trends.
These fulfill what he considers the orchestra's mandate to perform music from countries that reflect the latest demographic and immigration trends in New York.
In California, a longstanding immigration trend reversed course.
Indicative of immigration trends, several Catholic churches now conduct masses in two or more languages.
There may be limits, though, to the immigration trend.
Another limiting factor to the immigration trend is that big American investors are increasingly placing some of their financial bets abroad.