The imminent appearance of Gayle Miller gave Freeberg confidence.
At the conclusion of the set, Elias can be heard announcing the imminent appearance of Merzbow.
She lowered her voice even further, an indication to Pilar of Trace's imminent appearance.
The excitement was dimmed only by the imminent appearance of report cards.
The bang of the downstairs door reminded Robyn of Anne's imminent appearance.
The Báb writes in many of his texts about the imminent appearance of the Promised One.
The Shaykhis were a group expecting the imminent appearance of the Qá'im.
A pale glow in the south announced the imminent appearance of Joop.
Raising expectations of an imminent appearance of the Mahdi is highly unusual in Shiite history because it can excite people to extreme and dangerous actions.
At that moment, the green light above the steel door set in one of the walls announced Starkweather's imminent appearance.