The first time around, it had inspired panic - all those little flags and signs and signals, including the one for "collision imminent."
Seemingly bound for imminent collision, they snarled instead in a tangle of exposed tree roots.
Although the driver managed to warn passengers of an imminent collision, 23 people were injured.
In the event of imminent planetary collision, Sparky was to be buzzed.
But no one can stop an apparently imminent collision of pomp and war.
Residents of the building saw her coming and leaped out of their windows to avoid the imminent collision.
The detectors screamed of imminent collision on every hand.
He was amazed how gracefully imminent collisions were avoided as the flying dragons filed out.
Won't millions be disgusted if their regular television programs are pre-empted for news of the imminent collision?
"And we can program short-range sensors to alert us to any imminent collisions with larger fragments."