With the imminent withdrawal of British forces due in 1870, a major review of defences had been carried out in 1868.
But it is clear that the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that is Lebanon have been shaken by the imminent withdrawal.
With the Jaguar's imminent withdrawal from service, the squadron disbanded once more in 2005.
And, at least in theory, they concur that the imminent withdrawal of American medium-range missiles means Europeans must do more for their own defense.
Increasing the speculation about an imminent Soviet withdrawal was a warning that Western diplomats now read as significant.
The Democrats, for their part, could be asked to shelve calls for an imminent withdrawal.
Right up until our imminent withdrawal from Vietnam, no more than 20 percent of Americans ever opposed the war in Vietnam.
Administration officials caution that reports of imminent Soviet withdrawals regularly surface in Kabul.
The statement did not suggest any deadline for the operation or even a prospect of imminent withdrawal.
A rational alternative to an imminent unilateral withdrawal would be to turn this entire matter over to United Nations jurisdiction and act accordingly.