This closer inspection brought a soft, whispered laugh from his immobile lips.
Every so often, their forked tongues would come out to clean grease off their hard, immobile lips.
When Sternheimer spoke again, his voice was cold and tight, tight as the clenched teeth behind the almost immobile lips.
A soft laugh came from immobile lips as the new guest withdrew from the window.
A soft, mysterious laugh came from his immobile lips.
He rubbed his thumb over those immobile lips, found them dry, applied Vaseline.
A soft laugh came from Cranston's immobile lips.
When she spoke, her voice was hardly audible, like a small chil&s, the words only partialy formed through the immobile lips.
He leaned over and quietly watched the last of the sweet smoke drift from the black split between her immobile lips.
Still, the laugh that produced six Shadows couldn't possibly have come from Cranston's immobile lips.