Objectors feel that this style of music is 'worldly' and associated with an immoral lifestyle.
Throughout the late 1970s, Wildmon actively protested television series that he thought promoted immoral lifestyles.
Investigative Journalist, Sid Roth described Morris as "a young man with serious addictions and an immoral lifestyle until God changed his life.
This along with her immoral lifestyle accused her of a being a witch.
Japanese commentators interpreted the disaster as an act of divine punishment to admonish the Japanese people for their self-centered, immoral, and extravagant lifestyles.
Devu and Sarasu bond over the cough syrup and philosophize late into the night, exchanging notes on their immoral lifestyles.
Some religions assert materialism interferes with connection between the individual and God or that it is inherently an immoral lifestyle.
I'll spare myself the embarrassment of going into details, but the truth is that I had been living a profane, drunken, self-absorbed, and immoral lifestyle.
I can only point out the immoral lifestyle that accompanied his profession and the evidence of spiritual deceit.
The intellectuals about whom Johnson reports were not just artsy celebrities who could assume the public would accept an immoral bo-hemian lifestyle.