In the immortal words of Elvis, a little less conversation, a little more action, please.
In the immortal words of Justin, I am never going on that again.
Besides, in the immortal words of my mother, parents are people, too.
As mission commander, it was his task to say some immortal words for the watching cameras.
In the immortal words of the character Emily Litella, never mind.
You have no idea what immortal words he has set down.
We also use the words "invincible" and "immortal" when talking about young boys especially.
"I couldn't get them financed because, in the immortal words of the industry, they were too soft," he said.
We hadn't spoken since he'd acted as though he was about to kiss me, then changed his mind with those immortal words, 'It's not you.'
In the immortal words of John Mitchell, watch what politicians do, not what they say.