This was an underground training base somewhere in the Australian desert, where Mendoza received her immortality treatment and education.
I want you to give me a reliable immortality treatment.
The immortality treatment did not and could not wear off.
In this kind of world, many men put off taking the immortality treatment for as long as possible.
When you were examined initially, and when you report for the immortality treatments, I tap your memories.
In sharp contrast, because of the immortality treatment his cymek father had forced on him, Vor still looked like a young man, her grandson perhaps.
Clearly, the immortality treatment he demanded as a price for his services has made his mind unstable.
Thurr resented the robot's "pet," because Gilbertus had received the immortality treatment while he was still young enough to benefit from it.
But Jack doesn't trust Howards, and gets him to admit that his foundation has already discovered an immortality treatment.
It turned out the immortality treatment failed because it had been prepared specifically for Arani's physiology.