And immunization rates for the older vaccines remain higher than ever.
Egypt has raised its immunization rate to 70 percent from 50 percent in the last year.
Mr. Clinton announced two new measures today that he said would increase immunization rates.
She said the discrepancy in immunization rates was probably due to poor records, not missing services.
In 1985, they began to cut payments for monitoring immunization rates.
The immunization rates for adults, who often lack insurance coverage, are far lower.
State health officials say they have been able to raise immunization rates in recent years by more aggressive efforts within the existing system.
"But once the law was enacted, our immunization rates did go up substantially."
The yearly immunization rate is typically low for people younger than 65 who are at high risk of developing the flu.
"In 1995 the immunization rate in Newark was 60 percent, but there is a lot left to be done."