The Web site includes the recommended immunization schedules for children, teens, and adults.
Over the next few years, the volunteer helps keep track of the child's immunization schedule, and helps the family get to the clinic.
"If you'd followed the instructions in your tour-planning immunization schedule, you could have had this over with weeks ago, one at a time."
The U.S. is the only nation to put it on every child's immunization schedule.
Her children are on an immunization schedule, and were enrolled by the center in an insurance program sponsored by the state.
In the meantime, she said, "we recommend that children continue to adhere to their current immunization schedule."
Additional vaccines may be licensed and recommended after this immunization schedule is published.
Children should get certain vaccines when they reach certain ages, according to the recommended immunization schedule.
What are the child and adult immunization schedules?
For the recommended immunization schedule, see the topic Immunizations.