It is the first known immune deficiency, and is classified with other inherited (genetic) defects of the immune system, known as primary immunodeficiency disorders.
Genentech said the findings do not change the current recommendations for Actimmune in treating chronic granulomatous disease, an immunodeficiency disorder.
David had bare lymphocyte syndrome, a rare immunodeficiency disorder that occurs for the most part among North Africans.
Biologic response modifiers in primary immunodeficiency disorders.
These mice quickly became an important scientific tool for the study of a wide variety of human diseases, including cancer, acquired immune deficiency syndrome and immunodeficiency disorders.
Doctors concluded that Shira had SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency disorder.
Recently, two children born with severe combined immunodeficiency disorder ("SCID") were reported to have been cured after being given genetically engineered cells.
She also does important drug research related to immunodeficiency disorders.
The disease may run its natural course of exacerbations and remissions but is usually more prolonged and severe in patients with immunodeficiency disorders.
You have a family history of agammaglobulinemia or another immunodeficiency disorder and you are planning to have children (ask the provider about genetic counseling)