The host is also unable to develop an immunological memory against N. gonorrhoeae - which means that future reinfection is possible.
This immunological memory is due to the biology of T-cells and B-cells.
This acquired immunity creates a kind of "immunological memory".
And as immunological memory too depended on proteins, could there not be a grand convergence of mechanisms operative here?
Thus someone who receives a flu shot in 1992 will have little immunological memory for the slightly changed influenza virus encountered in 1994.
Burnet explained immunological memory as the cloning of two types of lymphocyte.
In either case, the altered virus triggers an immune response and imprints an immunological memory.
This is a kind of 'immunological memory'.
Antigliadin antibody-IgG may in fact remain high for years after starting the treatment, due to the 'immunological' memory.
Memory B cells capable of producing these antibodies form the basis for acquired immunological memory.