The Hesperian was a time of declining rates of impact cratering, intense and widespread volcanic activity, and catastrophic flooding.
The Hesperian was thus a time period of rapidly declining impact cratering rates.
The principal erosional agent on the Moon is impact cratering itself, though seismic modification could play a minor role as well.
These igneous features may be confused with impact cratering.
These relations are similar to those around Caloris, although Tolstoj is less than half its size and is much more severely degraded by later impact cratering.
The complex geomorphology of the lunar surface has been formed by a combination of processes, chief among which are impact cratering and volcanism.
Smaller bodies, without tidal heating, cool more quickly; and their geological activity ceases with the exception of impact cratering.
We stand to learn a lot about impact cratering - one of the major forces that has shaped all the worlds of our solar system.
The other major geologic process that has affected the Moon's surface is impact cratering, with craters formed when asteroids and comets collide with the lunar surface.
In 2007 he received the Barringer Medal of the Meteoritical Society, its highest award for research related to impact cratering studies.