Dramatic impacts generate thoughts about the ability of Asian artists to use expansive scale as an important part of their expressions.
The impact generated a large and bright dust cloud, which unexpectedly obscured the view of the impact crater.
The study found that the economic impact of farming in Suffolk generates 8,000 jobs and adds another $241 million a year to the local economy.
A single impact would generate enough heat to boil both of the victims, and their organics would cook.
The estimated economic impact of accelerating women's business success will generate at least four million new jobs and $700 billion in economic activity.
Per year, the impact generates more than $18.5 million in local and nearly $20 million in statewide tax revenue.
Parker's impact on the style of fine wines has generated controversy.
But the impact generates such heat that the steel molecules are smashed into the vapor state and evaporate.
Only a large impact could have generated such conditions.
When a block of this 'Cosmic Ice' plunges into a glowing star the impact generates heat.