However, when Aaron shows up Bill becomes uncomfortable and assumes he will be making a bad film with a mentally impaired person.
So Braille fluency can make a big difference in the life of a blind or visually impaired person.
The impaired person usually suffers from physical damage to or underdevelopment of the hippocampus.
A computer equipped with an electronic voice will read back letters typed in by a visually impaired person for accuracy.
"And if I hire a severely impaired person myself, it becomes easier to ask the rest of the bank's departments to do so."
He was the 10th hearing impaired person in his family.
The belt will be wearable, affordable and practical for a visually impaired person.
Computers are, precisely, fundamental tools of integration for the visually impaired person.
Captioning allows a hearing impaired person to experience the audible part of your presentation.
Executing a mentally impaired person for a crime committed while still a juvenile does not serve the interests of justice.