What we seem to need is a thorough, impartial cost-benefit analysis, soon.
The Counter Tories would use that as an impartial analysis to cut the subsidies he's been getting.
These pressures have been made based on charges unrelated to reality and are contradicted by any fair and impartial analysis of the events and documents.
In accordance with CBO's mandate to provide impartial analysis, the report makes no recommendations.
In keeping with CBO's mandate to provide objective, impartial analysis, this report makes no recommendations.
His professionalism and impartial analysis has made him a fan favorite.
De Villebois-Mareuil will be remembered for his impartial analysis of the Boer Strategies.
A calm and impartial analysis of the text leads to the conclusion that Parliament's influence has been considerable.
Religious belief must not take the place of impartial analysis.