But the Democratic leadership dropped the Rostenkowski plan in the face of impassioned opposition by Hispanic members.
But faced with impassioned opposition in the Assembly, he settled for first through sixth graders, about 180,000 children.
While the plan is supported by the embassy's influential immediate neighbors, it faces equally impassioned opposition from local government officials and other residents.
Mr. Ashcroft was trailing 28 years of impassioned opposition to the constitutional right to abortion declared by Roe, a decision which will be deplored and celebrated around the nation on Monday.
The West Side community, meanwhile, has pursued its own design: a well-organized, impassioned opposition that has helped to stall development.
The endorsement by the newspaper, which has a circulation of 14,000, comes despite impassioned opposition to Mr. Dukakis among many homosexuals because of his objection to them as foster parents.
People remembered his impassioned opposition to completely remove tariffs on rice importations pointing out the negative impact on domestic producers.
But some nagging doubts appear reflected in her impassioned opposition to Berlin as the seat of government of newly reunited Germany.
He is known particularly for his impassioned opposition to apartheid, and for his advocacy on behalf of Haitian immigrants and Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
In the post-war period, vociferous support for the George Square scheme, and impassioned opposition to it, were so intense as to elevate it to a national debate.