The grand declaration, the impassioned protest, is shunned.
The impassioned protest of a young German poet or of a French pamphleteer could hardly be reckoned among political forces.
Yet the board knew that selling the house would bring impassioned protest from preservationists and artists.
It took K'vin every bit of will-power and moral strength, and Charanth's faith in him, to overcome his bronze's impassioned protest.
Amabel then came storming up the basement stairs, closely followed by the housekeeper, who at once lodged an impassioned protest with Mr. Rivenhall.
The case has unleashed impassioned protests by abortion opponents and state lawmakers since word of it was leaked to an anti-abortion group.
The removal caused an international outcry and a series of impassioned protests organized by New York City Audubon Society and the Central Park birding community.
He also cares about the one beautiful feature of their town, its common, which is scheduled to be destroyed, despite an impassioned protest led by Jay, so a highway can be built.
The decision to reinstate one of the girls after she got an abortion has triggered impassioned protests.
Of course, the days when Washington bristled with impassioned protests about civil rights or Vietnam are long past, too - like the demonstrations and riots here opposing the American military presence.