She looked across at Ruby's calm, impassive features and felt like throwing something heavy at her.
Thurber was standing by the desk, a faint, friendly smile upon his impassive features.
His features impassive, Harry nodded and waved her on.
I pick up the mask and hold it so its impassive features- are level with my own.
I gaped at his impassive features as we neared the door.
He has broad, impassive features and a heavy thatch of hair.
Simbri was looking at her earnestly, with fear and doubt written on even his cold, impassive features.
Long training in the service of wealthy employers had made this man's features wooden and impassive.
Their impassive features seemed to say: "A true historian will al- ways rise superior to the political disturbances of his day."
He stood mere feet from the open furnace door and gazed into the brightness with impassive features.