The impeachment effort failed when 100 members of the legislature boycotted the vote.
Also, the use of impeachment under these circumstances means national politics may be debased with cheap impeachment efforts for some time to come.
If Nixon had destroyed the tapes early on, some say, he might have survived the impeachment effort.
Bush's presidency ended on January 20, 2009, with the completion of his second term in office, rendering impeachment efforts moot.
The Ewing family was heavily involved in defending Andrew Johnson against radical impeachment efforts.
"That is his legacy," said Bob Barr, the former congressman from Georgia who led the impeachment effort.
But the numbers are politically significant for how the impeachment effort is likely to be ultimately judged.
Why is anyone surprised that after their failed impeachment effort, House Republicans are still trying to embarrass President Clinton?
At a prayer meeting this afternoon, the president gave Parliament a week to call off the impeachment effort.
The impeachment effort was later dropped.