When looking for property, use a buying agent with impeccable connections to act for you.
"A taking little thing, I admit, and with impeccable connections on her mother's side."
Doesn't he have impeccable connections to the creative minds of the New York City real estate community?
But had Nightingale, with her genius, her indefatigable energy and impeccable social connections, turned to Egyptology instead of nursing, the hundred-year hiatus might not have been necessary.
He races with impeccable connections: owned by Stuart S. Janney 3d, trained by Shug McGaughey.
Besides, Miss Quo has impeccable connections.
You probably know his name, an important attorney with several offices in East L.A. and impeccable political connections.
Lawsuits have been filed, judges with impeccable connections have moved to nip the aberration at its beginning, and the assessors themselves are wondering what is up.
After racking up nearly $2 million in losses in its first three years, Ardent began moving increasingly toward royal programs, programs that depend explicitly on the producer's impeccable connections.
Mr. Brown was also a successful fund-raiser and was able to attract donations through his impeccable social connections.